Freitag, 10. Januar 2014

Hello weekend ; ))

Hey guys : )
Today is friday the last day of the week or as I would say, "cause it sounds much better, the first day of the weekend!
I have two outfits for you today and maybe later I will have the time to make the promised shooting therefore you will ge some better fotos!!!
The weather is so nice and sunny and the beginning of the weekend couldn"t be better.
The first outfit I want to present is my "Outfit of the day".
Even the sun is shinning today, it is very cold.
Therefore I thougt it would be a nice day for a warm and comfortable, but also kind of chic, winter look.
So here it comes, please have alook and tell me your opinion. ; )

I wear with light grey roses patternd black leggings (H&M), a white transparent blouse with a glitter collar (Only) and a grey pullover (Vero MOda).
A silver chain (VeroMOda), my beloved grey bag and my favorite black shoes (I wear them almost every day "cause they are sooo amazing, as you can see at my looks, in my opinion!!!) complete my outfit.

I really do love this look, because it"s comfortable and also chic and I do really like the combination of leggings and pullovers with a blouse under it in the winter (I think that I already mentioned that before.).
What do you think of the look ?
Now I want to go a step beyond and show you how I turn this outfit into a "party look to go out.
These are two optinions.

The first outfit is something that I would only wear for going on a party, because it is eye-catching and too sexy for the day in my opinion with the shorts, the blouse and the socks, but for partying I do really like it, because it"s stylish and modern.

 I wear a grey fake fur jacket (H&M), a light blue destroyed shorts (H&M) and the white blouse (see below). Grey and black heels (Pieces) and the silver chain make my look complete.

The second outfit is more for having a drink (or two ; ) in a bar with some friends. 
I really love the leather looking jacket with the fake fur a lot.
This look is cool, but also chic and kind of cute with the patternd leggings!

I wear the leggings and the shirt from the first outfit and a black leather looking jacket with fake fur applicaations (VeroMOda) and the heels and the silver chain from the second foto below!

So I wish you a good evening guys, have much fun, no matter if you stay at home and chill on your sofa or go out, enjoy the night and do whatever you feel like to do (of course not the forbidden forbideen things ; ).

15 Kommentare:

Kacrates hat gesagt…

That first outfit is very nice!

Black is beautiful hat gesagt…

Thank you so much!

Stella Cadente hat gesagt…

Love all of these looks! I think the last one is my favorite!

Lauren Elizabeth
Petite in Pearls

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hi this is a cute nice blog honey .....My name is Marie I am a Blogger based in italy and I was wondering if we could follow each other GFC bloglovin
Let me know I will fllow back as always! Love Marie.

Manhattan Image and Style hat gesagt…

Great outfit ideas!! #1 is my favorite! ;)

Feel free to visit my blog as well! You will find topics such as health, beauty, NYC fashion, personal growth and motivation between others! <3

New Blog Post: 5 Tips To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Svetlana hat gesagt…

Sehr schöner Look!
DU hast echt eine super Figur!

Svetlana von Lavender Star

Unknown hat gesagt…

wow. you got great legs!

Black is beautiful hat gesagt…

Thank you Lauren!!! : )
And also a big thank you to Diana and Marie I will visit your blogs as soon as I can!
It"s so nice to read all the positive feedbacks Thanks a lot to everyone of you!

Black is beautiful hat gesagt…

Vielen Dank liebe Svetlana, dass ist echt lieb!
And also thank you to you MIchele I am happy to read nice compliments : )
I am so thankful for all the positive comments by you guys, you are so so great

Bisous Natasha hat gesagt…

Cute outfits !

Black is beautiful hat gesagt…

Thank you Natasha!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Lovely pics :))

Black is beautiful hat gesagt…

Thank you, that"s very kind.

Black Silhouette hat gesagt…

Das erste Outfit mag ich besonders! :-)

Black is beautiful hat gesagt…

Danke für das liebe Kompliment : )

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I am happy about every comment and I will also answer every single one ; ))